![]() Here are a few of the Missionaries we support monthly... Roy Isenhart, Shining Light School for Boys www.shininglightschoolforboys.com Victorious Valley Home and Academy www.victoriousvalleyhomes.com Joe Davis, VP of Preach Evangelistic Ministries http://preachteams.org Fellowship Tract League, Gospel Tract Ministry www.fellowshiptractleague.org Ferdie Marasigan, Missionary to the Philippines http://cmc.missions.net Robert Lankford, Missionary to Brazil http://www.thelankfords.org Vincent Agbodo, Missionary to Togo, West Africa http://www.fbnc.net/togo/ John Airi, Missionary to Papau, New Guinea http://missions.wol.org/content/papuanewguinea Missions supported out of Hilltop Baptist Jerry Bare, Cornerstone Prison Ministry Jes Marasigan, Missionary to the Philippines Dipak Nayak, Local Pastor in Darjeeling, West Bengal India Emmanuel Martin, Local Church in Kenya, Africa